Best COVID-19 Face Masks For Doing Yard Work?

Face masks are unavoidable these days whether you like them or not. For the life of me, I would never have guessed that wearing a face mask is almost like making a political statement. But, I have been getting a few questions via FB on what face masks are best to use for yard work during this COVID-19 pandemic. Most people are hearing that the N95 masks should be saved for the health care workers which are completely understandable and should be followed. So what should you do if you are sensitive to the dust and pollen while mowing your grass, trimming your trees, or doing any general yard work?

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Save The Standard N95 Masks For Health Workers

This is worth repeating. If you see N95 masks at Lowes or Home Depot this summer please consider donating them to your local hospital or at least find out if they need them. Those are the people that need them the most as we all know already. I’m just being a parrot about that. In a few paragraphs, I’ll recommend an alternate N95 type of mask that I have been using with good results. Refer to this article if you’re not sure what an N95 mask is.

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Learn About the R95 Mask Here

Will A Home Made Face Covering Keep Out The Lawn Dust?

As it is said, having something is better than nothing. In the case of doing your yard work, this is true also. But if you are highly sensitive to the dust and particles that get thrown around, especially while mowing then you may still have some issues but not as bad as if you had nothing.

On the hottest days, I typically use a cool cloth that soaks with water and put it around my neck to keep cool. What’s nice about these things is that you can tie the ends and use it as a nose/mouth shield too. Because they are damp that helps keep out the dust particles and such. So that would be my recommendation for something ‘homemade’ to cover your face. Here are some tips on making a homemade mask.

My Top Recommendation for an N95 Face Mask For Yard Work During COVID-19 Season

I picked up about 3 of these R95 Reusable face masks a few weeks ago. I leave one in the car, one in the garage, and one on the back porch.  Because these are washable they are easy to use and then just throw in the washer after my yard work. Follow these COVID mask care tips.

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These things are a simple on and off with the over the ear straps and it fits snuggle about the bridge of the nose and across the cheeks. So I’m pleased so far with these. If you want to check this out for yourself, head over to the R95 Replaceable Masks site here.
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Do you have any recommendations on masks that you have used? Please leave a comment below with your suggestions.

Other Sources For Face Coverings & Grass Cutting Info:

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