5 Best Dandelion Killers That Won’t Kill Grass

Removing dandelions by hand is a backbreaking exercise but the good news is that there are a variety of chemical and organic applications you can try to get rid of dandelions without killing the grass on your turf.

In a rush? These are the 3 dandelion killers that won’t kill grass methods that I recommend. But keep reading if you want more info on each.

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Best Grass-Safe Dandelion Killer with Fertilizer
Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed3, Weed Killer Plus Lawn...
Dandelion Killer that Kills & Prevents Dandelions and Feeds Grass
Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action, Weed Killer and Preventer Plus...
Fastest Dandelion Weed Killer that Won't Kill Grass
Ortho WeedClear Weed Killer for Lawns Concentrate: Treats up to...
Scotts Turf Builder Weed and Feed 3
Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action - Weed Killer & Preventer
Ortho WeedClear Weed Killer for Lawns Concentrate
  • Controls over 50 weeds
  • Fast-acting formula
  • WeedGrip technology
  • Available in different sizes
  • Available in different sizes
  • Can be applied to Bahiagrass, Bermudagrass, Bluegrass, Centipede grass, Fescue, Ryegrass, and Zoysiagrass
  • Unique 3-in-in formula
  • Kills weeds, undesirable broadleaf plants, and poisonous plants but not favorable types of plants
  • Can be used on Bahiagrass, Centipedegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Bermudagrass, Tall Fescue, Fine Fescue, and Zoysia grass
  • 1 bag treats 4,000 square feet
  • Kills over 250 common weeds
  • Doesn't harm grass
  • Displays results in a few hours
  • Rainproof in just one hour after drying
  • Treats up to 16,000 square feet
Best Grass-Safe Dandelion Killer with Fertilizer
Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed3, Weed Killer Plus Lawn...
Scotts Turf Builder Weed and Feed 3
  • Controls over 50 weeds
  • Fast-acting formula
  • WeedGrip technology
  • Available in different sizes
  • Available in different sizes
  • Can be applied to Bahiagrass, Bermudagrass, Bluegrass, Centipede grass, Fescue, Ryegrass, and Zoysiagrass
Dandelion Killer that Kills & Prevents Dandelions and Feeds Grass
Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action, Weed Killer and Preventer Plus...
Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action - Weed Killer & Preventer
  • Unique 3-in-in formula
  • Kills weeds, undesirable broadleaf plants, and poisonous plants but not favorable types of plants
  • Can be used on Bahiagrass, Centipedegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Bermudagrass, Tall Fescue, Fine Fescue, and Zoysia grass
  • 1 bag treats 4,000 square feet
Fastest Dandelion Weed Killer that Won't Kill Grass
Ortho WeedClear Weed Killer for Lawns Concentrate: Treats up to...
Ortho WeedClear Weed Killer for Lawns Concentrate
  • Kills over 250 common weeds
  • Doesn't harm grass
  • Displays results in a few hours
  • Rainproof in just one hour after drying
  • Treats up to 16,000 square feet

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5 Best Dandelion Killers That Won’t Kill Grass

#1. Scotts Turf Builder Weed and Feed 3 – Best Grass-Safe Dandelion Killer with Fertilizer

Scotts Turf Builder Weed and Feed 3

Slotting in at the #1 position on this list of best dandelion killers that won’t kill grass is none other than Scotts Turf Builder Weed and Feed 3 – a fast-acting formula that not only kills existing weeds but also fertilizes to thicken your lawn.

It is available in several different sizes and is backed by WeedGrip technology, which works by gripping onto and killing the weeds you see and the weeds you don’t.

Apart from dandelions, Scotts Turf Builder Weed and Feed 3 can control over 50 weeds including clover, plantain, and purslain.

It can be applied to:

  • Bahiagrass,
  • Bermudagrass,
  • Bluegrass,
  • Centipedegrass,
  • Fescue,
  • Ryegrass,
  • and Zoysiagrass.

A bag of Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed 3 covers 5,000 sq. ft. and is 2x more powerful than its previous formulation. Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed 3 should be applied when the weeds are actively growing and the daytime temperatures are consistently between 60°F and 90°F.

Additionally, only apply this product if your grass is wet from dew or sprinkling as it helps it stick to the weed leaves for the best results.


  • Controls over 50 weeds
  • Fast-acting formula
  • WeedGrip technology
  • Available in different sizes
  • Can be applied to Bahiagrass, Bermudagrass, Bluegrass, Centipede grass, Fescue, Ryegrass, and Zoysiagrass


  • Not recommended for St. Augustinegrass (including Floratam), Dichondra, Lippia, Carpetgrass, and Bentgrass lawns
Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed3, Weed Killer Plus Lawn...
  • Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed3 weed killer plus fertilizer kills existing listed weeds and feeds to thicken your lawn and crowd out future weeds
  • Controls over 50 listed lawn weeds, including clover, dandelion, plantain, morningglory, chicory, eveningprimrose, and purslane
  • Apply this combination weed control and lawn food to a wet lawn when weeds are actively growing and daytime temperatures are consistently between 60°F and 90°F

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#2. Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action – Weed Killer & Preventer -Best Dandelion Killer that Kills and Prevents Dandelions and Feeds Grass

Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action - Weed Killer & Preventer

Another bestseller from the Scotts hangar, the Turf Builder Triple Action Weed Killer and Preventer is a unique three-in-one formula that kills dandelion plants and other weeds but not desirable plants, prevents weeds, and feeds grass for thicker lawns.

It controls a long list of existing weeds including dandelions, kills dollarweed, chickweed, henbit, ground ivy, and much more.

When the dandelions are actively growing, Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action can be used on:

  • Bahiagrass,
  • Centipedegrass,
  • Kentucky Bluegrass,
  • Perennial Ryegrass,
  • Bermudagrass,
  • Tall Fescue,
  • Fine Fescue,
  • and Zoysia grass

A single bag treats roughly 4,000 square feet and should be applied to a wet lawn with a spreader.


  • Unique 3-in-in formula
  • Kills weeds, undesirable broadleaf plants, and poisonous plants but not favorable types of plants
  • Can be used on Bahiagrass, Centipedegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Bermudagrass, Tall Fescue, Fine Fescue, and Zoysia grass
  • 1 bag treats 4,000 square feet


  • Doesn’t work without rain or being watered in
Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action, Weed Killer and Preventer Plus...
  • Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action is a 3-in-1 formula that kills listed weeds, prevents crabgrass, and feeds to build thick, green lawns
  • Built-in lawn weed killer controls existing dandelion, clover, dollarweed, ground ivy, chickweed, plantain, henbit, and english daisy
  • Prevents crabgrass for 4 months (will not kill existing crabgrass), while also preventing barnyardgrass, fall panicum, foxtail, and annual bluegrass

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#3. Ortho WeedClear Weed Killer for Lawns Concentrate – Fastest Dandelion Weed Killer that Won’t Kill Grass

Ortho WeedClear Weed Killer for Lawns Concentrate

Ortho WeedClear kills over 250 common weeds including clover, dandelion, poison ivy, dollarweed & more. When used as directed, it only targets common weeds and doesn’t harm your warm-season grasses or cool-season-grasses.

Ortho WeedClear displays results in a few hours and is rainproof in just one hour after drying. After the product has dried, people and pets can enter the treated area.

Ortho WeedClear can be applied with the Ortho Dial N Spray or with a tank sprayer and treats up to 16,000 square feet.


  • Kills over 250 common weeds
  • Doesn’t harm grass
  • Displays results in a few hours
  • Rainproof in just one hour after drying
  • Treats up to 16,000 square feet


  • Ortho Dial N Spray is not included in the package
Ortho WeedClear Weed Killer for Lawns Concentrate: Treats up to...
  • Use Ortho WeedClear Weed Killer for Lawns Concentrate to kill weeds down to the root, without harming your lawn (when used as directed); you'll see visible results in hours
  • KILLS WEEDS: This lawn weed killer kills over 250 common weeds, including dandelions, clover, poison ivy, sumac, chickweed, and dollarweed (see product label for complete weed list)
  • LAWN FRIENDLY: It contains three proven ingredients that target common lawn weeds, so it won’t harm your grass (when used as directed)

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#4. BioAdvanced 704170 Weed Killer for Lawns

BioAdvanced 704170 Weed Killer for Lawns

BioAdvanced weed killer is formulated to target over 200 broadleaf lawn weeds including dandelion and dollarweed and kills weeds at their root.

Adding to this, it can be used on both southern lawns and northern lawns and is rainproof in an hour. A 32 FL OZ bottle can treat up to 8,000 square feet and can be mixed with water and applied with a tank sprayer.


  • Kills and controls over 200 broadleaf weeds
  • Kills weeds at their root
  • Can be used on southern and northern lawns
  • Treats up to 8,000 square feet


  • Can’t be used on Carpetgrass, Dichondra, or Floratam variety of St. Augustinegrass
  • Not for sale in CA & TX
BioAdvanced Weed Killer for Lawns, Ready-to-Spray, 32 oz
  • LAWN WEED KILLER: Kills over 200 broadleaf lawnweeds including Dandelion, Dollarweed, and more
  • ROOT KILLER: Lawn weed killer kills to the root
  • USE ON: Southern and Northern Lawns

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#5. Bonide (BND307) – Weed Beater Ultra

Bonide (BND307) - Weed Beater Ultra

Bonide Weed Beater Ultra kills over 200 broadleaf weeds and is an easy-to-use spray solution so you don’t have to connect it with a tank sprayer or hose sprayer.

This selective herbicide kills weeds and not lawn grasses and is rainproof within hours after application. Furthermore, Bonide Weed Beater Ultra shows quick results within 7 – 14 days and is fitted with a trigger sprayer so you don’t have to buy one separately. Here’s the Bonide factsheet for your reference.


  • Kills over 200 broadleaf weeds
  • Easy-to-use spray solution
  • Kills weeds and not lawn grasses
  • Rainproof within hours after application
  • Quick results within 7 – 14 days


  • Using the spray may get tiring when treating larger areas
Bonide (BND307) - Weed Beater Ultra, Ready to Use Weed Killer (32...
  • KILLS OVER 200 BROADLEAF WEEDS - In one easy step, spray controls lawns from growing dandelion, clover, ground ivy, bedstraw, aster, gumweed, nettle, oxalis, ragweed, chickweed, and many more.
  • SAFE FOR GRASS - This selective weed control is designed to kill a variety of weeds, not lawn grasses. When used as directed it kills broadleaf weeds in lawns, roots and all.
  • QUICK RESULTS - Injury to weeds can be noticed within hours of the application and plant death can occur within 7-14 days.

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How Did Dandelions Get In My Yard?

Good question! You didn’t plant them so how exactly did these yellow flowers crop up in your yard? Well, in most cases the culprit is a strong wind that can carry dandelion seeds as far as 5 miles from their parent plant.

Another method for dandelion travel is water from rain runoff, and seeds sticking to clothing and animal fur.

Dandelion in the wind

What I Considered When Choosing the Best Dandelion Weed Killer?

Even though choosing the best weed killer for dandelions may seem like a simple task – just pick up a dandelion weed killer for lawns from your nearest garden store, apply it across your entire lawn, and voila – bid adieu to dandelions!

Well, it’s not that easy because choosing the wrong dandelion weed killer such as a non-selective herbicide or the wrong organic herbicide or chemical herbicide for your grass type or grass variety could ruin your lush lawn in just a few hours.

Organic vs. Inorganic Ingredients

When shopping for the best dandelion weed killers that won’t kill grass, you’re faced with 2 main options;

  1. Organic herbicides
  2. Chemical herbicides.

Some broadleaf herbicides also contain fertilizer so they offer twofold benefits – kill weeds and fertilize your lawn.

Inorganic herbicides can be quite potent and contain synthetic and chemical ingredients. Herbicides can contain one or more of the following active ingredients such as 2, 4-D (dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), MCPP (Mecoprop,” MCPP, a selective herbicide), MCPA (2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid), and Dicamba (a systemic broad-spectrum herbicide).

Just like the name suggests, organic herbicides contain only natural ingredients such as salt, vinegar, essential oils, and soaps. Although they are less potent than their chemical counterparts, they do not leach toxic chemicals into the environment.

So which one is better organic or inorganic Ingredient herbicides to kill dandelions without killing grass?

Even though I’m not a big fan of using inorganic – chemical-laden herbicides, if you want to get the job done quickly, they are the best option compared to organic herbicides.

Plus, several inorganic dandelion killers help eliminate dandelions and fertilize a healthy lawn. Organic herbicides are a slow approach to killing dandelions and sometimes aren’t that effective at getting rid of the entire population.

spraying dandelion with inorganic weed killer

Selective vs. Non-Selective

This is where you need to pay attention because choosing the wrong type of formula will result in a dead lawn. Selective herbicides are designed to kill weeds but will not kill favorable plants, whereas non-selective herbicides will kill everything on your lawn including weeds and grass.

Since we’re talking about dandelion killers that won’t kill grass, you should only be looking at selective herbicides for this specific task.

Further, non-selective herbicides kill certain types of weeds such as a crabgrass killer will only kill crabgrass weeds and not dandelions, which is something that’s listed on the product label.

How to Get Rid of Dandelions in Your Lawn Safely

Final Thoughts

When looking to eliminate dandelions in green lawns, you’ve got several options to choose from but the 5 products mentioned on this list are tried and tested to work effectively at getting the job done, that is kill dandelions without harming your grass.

Of course, there’s no shortage of natural dandelion killers that won’t kill grass but they may not work as well as chemical herbicides because dandelions have a long (6-18 inches long) tap root, small pieces of which can grow again.

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