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St. Augustine Grass Turning Yellow
Lawn Care

St. Augustine Grass Turning Yellow? 10 Causes & Remedies

St. Augustine is a common turfgrass here in Alabama and most southern states in the USA for several good reasons. For starters, St. Augustine lawns offer excellent drought tolerance and …

strongest weed killers to kill all plant life
Lawn Weeds

The Strongest Weed Killers For Lawns

If your lawn is plagued with invasive weeds, you need a potent weed killer to get rid of them for good. Quick Answer The strongest weed killers for lawns typically …

st augustine grass seed
Lawn Care

Where to Buy St. Augustine Grass Seed?

St. Augustine grass thrives in warm or humid areas and is a staple for home lawns in the South. I’ve tried growing St. Augustine grass here in Alabama but the …

how to get rid of lawn spiders

Grass Spider Bite: Are Grass Spiders Poisonous and Dangerous?

I’ve often found grass spiders in my lawn and garden. Part of the funnel weaver family, they are known for their distinctive webs, shaped like a funnel and are typically …

How to kill crabgrass with baking soda 1

How to Kill Crabgrass Using Baking Soda (Steps & Side Effects)

A lawn that’s invaded with crabgrass and other unwanted weeds can soon be damaged if you do not take the necessary precautions to fix it. When dealing with crabgrass, you …

fix grass that's turning yellow
Lawn Care

Why is My Grass Turning Yellow? 13 Reasons and How to Fix

It’s easy to attribute the yellowing of your grass to lawn diseases, but in some cases, improper lawn care practices are the actual culprits. Throughout my two decades of experience, …

How Much Does TruGreen Cost?
Lawn Care

How Much Does Trugreen Cost?

When I was growing up, I always fantasized about one day owning a house with a nice big yard. What a dream, I thought. I could plant all my favorite …

what grass types grow in the shade
Lawn Care

8 Best Grass That Grows in Shade (Tips Included)

Shaded areas in your yard often present a challenge when it comes to growing a lush, thriving lawn. Dealing with dense shade from tall trees or structures often leads to …

2, 4-D weed killers
Lawn Care

Can I Spray 2, 4-D on Lawn? What Weeds it Kills + Mixing Ratio

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D) is a systemic herbicide that selectively kills broadleaf weeds. It is classified as an auxin-type herbicide because it causes cells in plant tissues that transport water …

most common weeds that look like grass
Lawn Weeds

8 Common Weeds That Look Like Grass (Identification and Control)

Despite meticulous care, weeds that look like grass can infiltrate even the best-kept lawns, and go unnoticed. By the time you spot them, they are already competing with your existing …