When you think of a well-manicured lawn, what do you usually think of? For most people, one thing comes to mind – the lush greenery of a golf course. People often enjoy having lawns that look like beautiful country club golf courses, and it’s a normal desire.
You may think that it’s impossible, but actually, it’s quite a realistic aspiration. You just need to ensure that your lawn has the right kind of soil and climate.
Today, we’re going delve deeper into the kinds of grass that most golf courses usually have, and the grass types that work well for your yard.
In most cases, golf courses have designated turf experts who are highly experienced in what they do, but you don’t need to be an expert to get the good results that you are looking for.
You can get the same vibrant green grass on your lawn with the right techniques.
In fact, in most cases, you can find most kinds of golf course grasses available to buy on the market. You’re just going to have to buy the right one for your specific lawn.
5 Types Of Grasses Used on Golf Courses
These are just a few of the main kinds of grasses that you may find on a golf course.
Bermuda grass is the main kind of grass that you will find on a golf course. This is a durable kind of grass that is very capable of taking quite the beating, from your golf clubs, for instance.
Not only that, but it’s also especially good at handling climates in the south since it handles droughts well. If you live in a southern climate and want some grass for your lawn, then this is a particularly good choice thanks to the way it handles water conservation.
Another great thing about it is that it can handle hot weather in northern regions quite well too. This grass usually isn’t going to be the type that becomes green straight away during the spring months.
With some patience though, it’s going to look greener than pretty much any other lawn when the heat of the summer rolls around. It’s pretty versatile, which is what makes it so popular. Here’s a Bermudagrass lawn maintenance schedule.
You will also probably find bentgrass on golf courses. It’s a thick kind of grass, which means that it can handle a lot of action from feet and golf clubs alike. This makes it an appealing option for golf courses.
This kind of grass doesn’t do well with extreme heat, regularly, but it’s fantastic for courses located in the Northeast, alongside the Pacific Northwest and the Midwest.
It is great on cool nights in this part of the country, and you don’t need to water it a lot for it to keep its wonderful green color. This is perfect for golf courses since less maintenance is needed.
When you need to mow this grass, you can mow it to quite a short height and don’t need to worry about causing the blades to scalp.
As you can see, this is the perfect kind of grass for people who live in Northern areas, especially if you want that pristine golf course look in your yard.
As far as texture goes, ryegrass is a wonderful choice. It’s smooth but durable on the golf course, and it looks wonderful. It can sustain a lot of heavy foot traffic and the pressure from swinging clubs. If it’s fertilized properly, then the deep green color that you get with this grass is truly stunning.
It’s worth noting that a lot of perennial ryegrass don’t spread by themselves. If you need to make repairs, then it can be quite challenging to do so, especially when you compare them to the kinds of grasses that will just spread using rhizomes.
It is, however, pretty easy to establish a new lawn with annual ryegrass, but if the temperatures drop extremely low, then the grass is going to die.
If you live in southern regions, then it is sometimes possible to use this grass throughout the whole lawn. It’s a good choice if you can manage to use it, and it won’t cost you a lot of money to buy the seed either. Learn a few ryegrass management tips.
This particular type of grass is a slow grower that’s pretty stiff, especially in comparison to other kinds of grass. This stiffness is a good thing for golf courses since it’s hard to damage, it spreads easily and it will fill in any gaps in the grass easily.
This type of grass works exceptionally well in warmer climates since it handles the heat well, and it also isn’t susceptible to droughts.
If you have a lawn somewhere in the southern states, then it’s certainly worthwhile for you to think about getting Zoysia grass. Of course, the slow growth can often be a bit of a downside for lawn owners.
Poa Annua
Out of all of the grasses that we have discussed in this article, the Poa Annua grass is perhaps the least durable kind of grass that you can get. You aren’t going to see it used in many places – it’s pretty much only on golf courses that you may find along the West Coast.
You may be surprised to learn that Poa Annua is known as an invasive kind of grass. As such, it’s most likely not the best choice to use in your garden. It’s never a good idea to plant something invasive.
The roots grown by this grass are incredibly short, and this often means that it’s not very durable and you’re often going to have to put in the effort of manually watering it by hand, which can take a lot of time to do.
So, the verdict? It’s best to skip over this grass if you are looking for something for your lawn. We do feel it’s important to mention it here though since many golf courses along the West Coast do utilize it. Did you know poa annua is used to treat certain disorders?
Here’s a video discussing how the look of a golf course grass is maintained:
How To Look After Your Golf Course Grasses In Your Yard
It’s not just about choosing the right grass. Sure, you could choose the perfect grass, but if you don’t look after it, it’s not going to look the way that you want it to. Having the right lawn maintenance strategies in place is essential.
Now, taking care of these grasses is going to require at least one key item – a good quality lawnmower. Pretty much any lawn mower will do, but you’re going to get the best possible results using a reel lawn mower, so it’s worth investing in one.
These are the kinds of lawnmowers that are usually used on golf courses because the cut is clean and uniform.
On another note, you also need to ensure that you aren’t cutting the grass to a length that is way too short. The grasses should be no more or less than around one to two inches tall each time. It’s possible to get it shorter later on when the lawn is established, but this will be a gradual process.
It’s important to allow the grass to grow longer since it will let the roots grow deeper, making it more hardy. Make sure that you aren’t watering the lawn too much either. Too much or too little is a problem.
Water the lawn deeply on an infrequent basis for the best results. This will help the roots get all of the moisture that they need, and you’re less likely to end up getting lawn diseases and drought. Watering the lawn too often and not deep enough can often mean that you get lawn diseases and a root system that’s simply too short.
Final Thoughts
Golf course grasses don’t need to be restricted to the golf course. You can make your lawn look exceptional by planting some golf course grasses – you just need to choose the right ones. Ensure that the grasses you choose will stand up to the climate in your area and that they are a good choice for your specific lawn. What may suit one lawn may not suit all of them, after all.
In addition to this, you need to make sure that once you have found the right grass, you need to be taking care of the lawn correctly. Apply the correct watering technique and mow the lawn correctly, and you should have a luscious lawn in no time.
Hi, Alex Kuritz here. Growing up I remember that my family had one of the best lawns in the neighborhood. Richly green and lush. I did a lot as I grew up in terms of caring and tending for not only my family’s lawn but also my neighbors. I can say I have years of experience, and I am here to share it with you.