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how do you sharpen a lawnmower blade
Lawn Equipment

How Do You Sharpen A Lawnmower Blade?

Do you have a dull lawnmower blade? Have you been cutting grass with your lawnmower and feel like it is longer than it should? Do you see raggedly cut grass? …

how to fix a lawnmower that wont start
Lawn Equipment

How To Fix A Lawnmower That Will Not Start

The two basic requirements that allow a lawnmower’s engine to start are fuel and a spark. If you’re experiencing fuel starvations (when fuel is not getting to your engine), or …

Annual vs. Perennial ryegrass

Annual Ryegrass vs Perennial Ryegrass – The Main Differences

I’ve often noticed homeowners use the words annual ryegrass and perennial ryegrass interchangeably probably because they share the same “ryegrass” name. However, there are several distinct characteristics and uses between …

ryegrass pros cons 1

Ryegrass Pros & Cons – Overseeding & Planting Guide

  Part of the Poaceae family, ryegrass is a cool weather, fast-growing grass that offers great versatility in that it can be used as a lawn grass for overseeding bare …

dead grass or dormant grass e1593187695912
Lawn Care

Dormant Grass vs. Dead Grass: How To Tell The Difference

The sight of brown grass on your property can be both frustrating and confusing. However, before you try to address this problem, you need to determine what is causing it …

best covid 19 face masks for yard work e1592967409677
Lawn Care

Best COVID-19 Face Masks For Doing Yard Work?

Face masks are unavoidable these days whether you like them or not. For the life of me, I would never have guessed that wearing a face mask is almost like …

Dawn dish soap for grubs

Homemade Grub Killer Recipe: Does Dawn Dish Soap Kill Grubs?

You can control grubs using a commercial grub killer or a homemade recipe such as Dawn dish soap. But just how effective is a homemade grub killer recipe and does …

Crabgrass identification

Different Types of Crabgrass (With Pictures)

When the name crabgrass comes to mind, you certainly think about one of the most invasive weeds. This claim is well established: with its resilience, crabgrass is so hardy that …

Lawn mower not getting gas to spark plug and won't start
Lawn Equipment

My Lawn Mower is Not Getting Gas to Spark Plug [5 Fixes that Work]

When my lawnmower won’t start, the first things I check are for faulty spark plugs, as these components are responsible for igniting the fuel-and-air mixture inside the cylinder of the …

Best Lawn Mower under 300
Lawn Care, Lawn Equipment

7 Best Lawn Mower Under $300 [Gas, Self-Propelled – Reviews]

If you have a big lawn, you’ll need a very powerful self-propelled lawn mower. For a small lawn, even a budget-push lawn mower will do the job just fine. With …